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Thanks, City of Chicago!

Monkey-Rope Press hasn't been without news, just without time to tell about the news. Apologies for the silence! Soon I will write an update on the gangbusters-inspiring-humbling great time I had at the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo (SPACE) in Columbus Ohio last month, and the amazingly inspiring Comics: Philosophy and Practice conference at the University of Chicago this past weekend, and the but in the mean time:


Thanks and thanks again to the City of Chicago! "In the Sounds and Seas: Volume II" won a Community Arts Assistance Grant to fully cover the costs of materials and production. We're still on "In the Sounds and Seas" hiaitus, working on side projects and sneaky plans in the interim, but ISS Vol III (which, when complete, marks the half-way point on the complete project) begins production after the Chicago Alternative Comics Expo in mid-June with a spring in our step. 

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    Response: Source
    Terrific Site, Maintain the beneficial work. Thank you so much.

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