Entries in edible books (2)


Looking back, looking forward

Brain Frame 5 blew my mind in March, particularly Sara Drake's performance The Romance of the Tiger Lady. Kelly Parsell's review on Make-Space says it all better than I could. Well said, Kelly! Prior engagements kept me from Brain Frame 6, but I'll be at 7 even if I have to drag myself on my knees.


My first two-color linocut workshop was a dream. Look at that awesome registration! Way to go, ladies!


Evanston Print & Paper's Eat Your Words Edible Books competition was a pun-filled delight! My contribution: Les Miserapples.

SPACE, the Small Press and Comics Expo, in Columbus Ohio! I debuted a new mini-comic, Mare Cognitum, and offered digital prints of illustrations from In the Sounds and Seas for the first time. It was an awesome show full of genuinely talented and friendly people. Would that this group of folks could get together more than just once a year. Since that isn't the case, I'll have to settle for returning next year. 


STILL UP AT THE CHICAGO PRINTMAKERS COLLABORATIVE: the annual $20 print show! You want high quality, affordable prints? Stop by before June 16th! 


Photo c/o this excellent review in TCJ. NATO hype had me paranoid at home during the awe-inspiring Comics: Philosophy and Practice conference at the University of Chicago, but I watched it eager-eared while taking notes at home--so grateful they offered a live stream! The whole event was great, but the panel shown above was gobsmackingly inspiring. Lynda Barry is right: everyone loves a fucking monkey.

* * * * 


This is the big one, y'all! Be sure to visit me on June 16 & 17--10 days away!--at CAKE, at 1104 S Wabash on the 8th floor. No new work to debut (darn!) but I'll be there, trying not to geek out with paralyzed excitement by the talented people in the same room. Seriously, check out the panel list and the other exhibitors. How I snuck through the gate on this one is beyond me. 

ALSO, keep your eyes peeled here for information on a new 2 Color Linocut workshop that I'll be offering soon this summer, date (likely in July) TBD. 


Upcoming Events: Comics, Workshops, Prints and Food

Mark your calendars! The coming two weeks are full of great events:

This Friday, March 23 I am excited to attend (as an eager audience member) Brain Frame, where comic artists interpret their illustrative work in avant-garde performances. Join me at 1542 N Milwaukee Ave, second floor, at 8PM, to see the next installment of what sounds like a really interesting event. $5

The beautiful sunny storefront at Evanston Print & Paper

This coming Saturday, March 24, from 10am - 4pm I am teaching a 2-color Linoleum Block Printing workshop at Evanston Print and Paper Shop. Students will learn how to plan a multi-color relief print, safely carve the blocks and use a Vandercook proof press to produce a small edition of their print. There is still room in the class if you find yourself with a free Saturday and an interest in getting inky! (Also, I'm bringing M&Ms. VERY important.) Call the studio to register: 847-475-7674

Also on Saturday afternoon is the opening of the Chicago Printmakers Collaborative Cycle-Pedia group exhibit, featuring prints and works on paper with a wheeled-things theme. The Cycle-Pedia exhibit runs from March 24th to April 30th at 4642 N. Western Avenue, across the street from the Western stop on the Brown line.  Would that I could be 2 places at once: knowing the good folks behind the show, the opening promises to be a lot of fun!


On Sunday, April 1st is Evanston Print & Paper's first-annual Edible Books celebration! Bring a book-themed food-thing and get in for free, or pay $5 to eat and judge and talk books with some lovely printmakers and book artists.